Monday, September 30, 2019

Distracted While Driving

Distracted While Driving Virtually anyone who has a driver’s license has been introduced to the idea that distracted driving causes accidents. However, the consequences of distracted driving are far more than just predictable and often taken lightly. Predictable events can be avoided. Since these are predictable events they are preventable. The choices that drivers make affect more people than they may realize, thus making them responsible for the consequences that result from those choices.On a daily basis more than 15 American deaths and another 1,200 injuries are attributed to drivers that are distracted while driving on the very roads most of us use every day (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7). Distractions can be controlled at a minimum by drivers that make the choice to drive responsibly. There are three types of distractions that have been labeled as the â€Å"triple threat† to driving; Visual distraction, manual distraction, and cognitive distraction ar e the makeup of this triple threat (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 6).Paying more attention to texting than to crossing the street or driving a car portrays a visual distraction that can result in dire consequences. Texting has proven to take at least part of the driver’s visual focus away from the task of driving in order to read or send a text message (Gardner, page 1). Contents of text messages usually require the driver’s visual focus, even if for just a few seconds. The visual awareness is negatively affected when this happens because the driver is no longer watching the road and cannot react to unforeseen events in a timely manner.Elevated risks of being in an accident that involves texting while driving presents a serious public safety hazard. â€Å"This problem may become more severe as more texting teens become licensed drivers, and more adults add text messaging to their battery of cell phone communication abilities† (Gardner, page 1). The mor e attention that is paid to texting means that more attention is being diverted from performing activities that require visual perception, and which can escalate to manual distractions (Gardner, page 3).One or both hands off the wheel of a car while driving is most often related to multi-tasking, and is considered a manual distraction that is categorized as a â€Å"preventable† contributor (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 6). Preventable driving behaviors that include dialing, talking and listening to cell phones contribute to road hazards at alarming rates. Delays in reacting to potential hazards while driving caused by preoccupations with mobile communications result in accidents that are often times more severe to the drivers and passengers involved in the accident.Additional contributing factors to manual distractions are the use of GPS navigation systems, eating, drinking, and bending down to grab something off of the floor or inside a handbag while driving. Mult i-tasking while driving is often dictated from our hectic lives at the cost of injury to ourselves or to others in correlation with both manual and cognitive distractions. Cognitive distractions occur when a driver’s mind is not focused on driving.Listening to a favorite radio station, talking to another passenger, and being preoccupied with issues pertaining to work or family formulate a distractive environment for a driver. Drivers who talk on cell phones are four times more likely to crash than non-distracted drivers (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7). This means that driving while talking on a cell phone is as risky as driving while drunk. Cognitive overload is described as being out of sync with the rhythm of the road and the rhythm of talk (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7).There are five tips on how to avoid common driving distractions: turn off your cell phone, use a hands free device only in cases of emergency, make sure all passengers have a safety belt equipped, eat before or after you drive, and program your GPS before you leave your driveway or parking lot. If you have to deal with any of these or other issues while driving pull over to the side of the road to address the given situation. Following these steps can assist in preventing the loss of life due to distracted driving.The cognitive distractions caused by the use of mobile phones while driving usually cause vehicular accidents to be more severe, however there are steps that can be taken to improve both personal and public safety; it’s up to us to take those steps (Professional Safety, page 1). Visual, manual and cognitive distractions that occur simultaneously while driving are a recipe for vehicular related fatalities involving American teenagers, and often times unsuspecting victims as a result (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 6).Hand-held cell phones involve visual distraction while dialing, manual distraction while holding the phone, and cognitiv e distraction throughout the whole use of the device (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7). Informing old drivers and introducing new drivers to the dangers of being distracted while driving may raise support in preventing the use of hand held devices while driving. If our society does nothing to stress the importance of awareness while driving, the fatality statistics will only become more severe each passing month.It can be very tempting to answer the cell phone, respond to a text message, reprogram the GPS, and perhaps even grab that bite to eat on the way to work but is the risk worth the cost? Resisting the temptation and focusing on the road will enable a driver to react to unexpected events and maybe avoid a collision with another unsuspecting driver. Personal responsibility ultimately is the solution to distracted driving and contributes to saving lives. â€Å"Just as it is no longer socially acceptable to drive without a seat belt, or drive drunk, it must no longer b e acceptable to text while driving† (Gardner, page 10).Driving is a demanding visual, manual, and cognitive activity that has no room for multi-tasking in it without risk to someone’s life or injury (Harvard Men’s Health Watch, page 7). References Distracted driving: Fast lane to disaster. (May 2012). Harvard Men’s Health Watch, 16(10), 6-7. Distracted Driving Problem Extends Beyond Texting. (February 2012). Professional Safety, 57(2), 24. Gardner, L. A. (November 2010). Wat 2 do abt txt’n & drv’n (aka: What to do about the problem of texting while driving? ). CPCU Ejournal, 63(11), 1-13.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Facing My Fears

Individual Project The individual project that I did was Blood donation for the first time and STD Testing for the first time. For both of these projects I was so scared of doing. I am scared of needles when it comes to me getting poked by it. But I found out about the blood donation by walking around campus and there were signs up all over the campus about a blood drive in October. I found out about the STD testing by looking at the syllabus and looking to see my other options and I saw STD testing.So I talked to Tiffany Stacy who said she had done the STD testing so I could get more information on the STD test. When I found out about the blood drive I was like that’s a great idea considering my cousin died because he couldn’t get a blood transfusion. So I got the information and before I actually gave blood, I thought about every possible thing that could happen, the good and the bad. The reason is because I am really scared of needles when it comes to puncturing thro ugh my skin.But I thought it out and I said to myself â€Å"me being scared of needles is nothing when I could just suck it up and maybe saves someone else’s life even if I couldn’t save my cousins† So that is when I decided to stop thinking about the needle and I just went to where the blood drive was at and I sucked it up and donated my blood. I have to be honest I was so scared I was going to pee in my pants. But I survived. But 5 hours later I went shopping with my friends and I had blacked out in the store, about 4 more times after that.So I called the nurses that were on the card that I was given and they told me I am not allowed to give my blood again. They said my health is more important than giving up blood. So I am bummed but I know I did a great deed and I am proud of myself for sucking up my fear of needles. The location of the blood drive was at the Du Bois Center and it was from October 23-26. When I found out about the STD testing me thought why would I want to do this I would have to deal with another needle. NO WA Y I told myself not another needle I cannot.But then I talked to Tiffany Stacy and she said that it was not that bad. All you have to do is make an appointment at the Fronske Health Center on campus and tell them you want a full STD testing. So I listened to that so I had an appointment and I asked her â€Å"so what do you have to do for the test? † And she said â€Å"all you have to do is pee in a cup for a urine sample and get your blood drawn† I was like ok that’s not that bad. I just have to do the two things I hate doing. But that’s okay I said.So I went to my appointment and I had peed in the cup and I was getting ready to get stabbed by another needle. They had to stab me twice because they missed my vein. I was thinking oh my goodness can you please get this right. My arm was so sore after that. I still haven’t gotten my test results back yet but I don’t think I have an STD because I am not sexually active. So I am good to go as long as I keep it up. These two experiences have been great! I am still scared of needles stabbing me in the arm but I can survive.But the blood donation was the scarcest of both because I had major side effects towards it where I am not allowed to donate again. Which hurts but I know it is the best for me. But I am glad I did it because now I can say I gave blood and I can say I know what an STD testing is like. I expected way worse then what it really was which has its good and bad sides. The good points of that are that I can prepare myself for the worst but the bad point is that I can bring on my own effects towards it.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Whither the unskilled worker Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Whither the unskilled worker - Research Paper Example as a whole has become a knowledge based society where knowledge based workers dominate the workforce and having access to specialized knowledge and skills sets provides an additional advantage to the workers. Workers having access to such knowledge and skills not only get higher salaries but also get a well-defined path thus making their careers to grow faster. In an environment where skilled workers are finding it difficult to obtain jobs and earns consistently, unskilled workers may not have the relevant skills as well as education to break into the labor force of the economy. Unskilled workers therefore are at disadvantage due to their lack of skills and expertise in any given field of work or specialty. In such a scenario, what could be the possible place of an unskilled worker? How can an unskilled worker actually fit into the overall scenario where skilled workers are more demanded as compared to the unskilled worker? This paper will therefore discuss whither the unskilled worker. Labor is considered as one of the important part of the free market system and is also one of the key factors of production. In order to achieve higher level of productivity and output, it is important for businesses to actually define proper labor strategies. It is critical to understand that in any general economy there are two kind of labors i.e. the skilled and the unskilled. Skilled labor or workers are that portion of the overall workforce which has skills, technical knowledge as well as business knowledge which relevant to perform any assigned task. For examples, doctors, engineers, drivers, computer programmers are considered as skilled workers because they possess the unique set of skills which are not available to everyone. Having those set of skills therefore make them relatively at more advantage as compared to the persons who do not possess these skills. Further, skilled workers provide value and increase the productivity of the tasks they are involved in. It is

Slavery Trade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Slavery Trade - Essay Example As the report stresses various abolitionist laws were instituted, though slave trade still grew dramatically spreading to the Northern parts of the American continent.   During this time, there was a gradual growth and expansion of the cotton industry. With the tremendous expansion of the cotton industries which were mostly found in the southern part of the American continent, labor force became a challenge to the industry stakeholders. Acquiring and retaining an adequate workforce that could carry out the day to day activities within the cotton industry became a major challenge to the industry players thus they had to seek a solution.From this paper it is clear that  most of the laborers within the cotton industry at that time were of British origin and were only available as indenture servants. These laborers offered their services in the cotton fields and industry on contractual basis, thus were never reliable to the industry players. They had the tendency of signing contracts that were indenture in nature. They in return received payments in various forms for their services in cotton industries and fields. In most cases, the laborers received payment in the form of upkeep. The cotton field owners and the industry stakeholders had to offer upkeep for the laborers as payment for the services they offered in their fields and cotton industries. Either, the laborers received passage from the cotton field owners and industry owners for the services they offered.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Evian Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evian - Essay Example Various film actors and celebrities have participated in the ads as well as designing of the bottle for Evian at different times. An example is Sebastian Siegel, the film actor who was painted by Joanne Gair to look like a stone (Vaidyan, 2012). The particular target audience of Evian bottled water are young rich people. As it is essentially a luxury mineral water brand and advertises its product through young, famous, and rich celebrities, consumers of Evian typically belong to the high class society. â€Å"With evian firmly established in the tennis world through its global brand ambassador Maria Sharapova, and ongoing sponsorship of The Championships, Wimbledon, activity during The Championships needed to reflect the iconicity of the brand† (Gorkana Group, 2013). As per the findings of the consumer research, the target audience of Evian read the fashion and style magazines regularly (Gorkana Group, 2013). Evian is particularly popular among people who are well-informed on what is in

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Bowl Championship Series Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bowl Championship Series - Research Paper Example The United States Bowl Championship Series is one area that is increasingly becoming notable for its agenda for money other than living up the original dream of breeding great future sports personalities. Ironically, the fracas with the Bowl Championship Series is so tactical that one needs special scrutiny to come to terms that the series has now become a money-making venture for some people. It is therefore the aim of this research paper to take up the task of the scrutiny to expose what is likely to be a future mayhem if not checked What is the Bowl Championship Series The Bowl Championship Series, commonly referred to as BSC is a five-game showcase of college football in the United States of America (BCS Official Website, 2010). The system is referred to as a five-game showcase because it is made of five different bowl games at five different venues among which various colleges battle for the ultimate of two top-rated teams in the series. These top two teams are honored by taking part in the National Championship Game and at the National Championship Games the two top-rated teams are made to play each other. ... History of the Bowl Championship Series The Bowl Championship Series was born out of existing college based football competitions. According to Ours (2007), ‘The first intercollegiate football contest was played on November 6th, 1869, at New Brunswick, New Jersey.’ The system of competitions however kept changing from time to time. The new national bodies in charge of bowl kept coming in place to regulate and regularize the activities of college football. The current bowl game system was formed in 1902 in Pasadena, California and by 1906, there was the formation of the NCAA which oversaw the affairs of bowl games in the country (Billingsley, 2010). The involvement of various college football conferences started in the 1940s as by that time there was the existence of many bowl games across the country such as Cotton Bowl Classic, Orange Bowl and Sugar Bowl. The current college football games followed the system of playoffs as used by the NCCA to select yearly champions un til 1998 when the Bowl Championship Series was introduced (Cummings, 2008). According to Cummings, The new system was necessitated ‘to avoid the controversy created by the 1997 split national championship’. Has the Bowl Championship Series failed on its aims? Controversies and Monetary Accusations. What is the Relevancy of Non-BCS Schools in the BCS System According to the official website of the Bowl Championship Series, it series was ‘designed to ensure that the two top-rated teams in the country meet in the national championship game, and to create exciting and competitive matchups among eight other highly regarded teams in four other bowl

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Free Speech on college campuses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Free Speech on college campuses - Essay Example said in his essay On Liberty in Utilitarianism Etc, people, in this case, students should be given the "fullest liberty of professing and discussing, as a matter of ethical conviction, any doctrine, however immoral it might be considered." (Mill, John Stuart, 1910) Voltaire was even more specific on the issue of freedom of speech when he said "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" (Voltaire 1906). The freedom of speech takes on a more urgent and important role inside the school campus. First, it serves as medium for sharing of ideas and knowledge, second, it facilitates decision-making, and third, it clarifies issues and helps facilitate changes for the better. When students are allowed to freely express themselves, the learning process becomes more dynamic and pro-active. Since everyone is free to present their ideas and challenge the ideas of others, academic discussions become more interesting and liberating. On the other hand, controlling and curtailing the freedom of speech in the campus tends to stifle and kill the natural creativity of the students. Who would want to present their ideas if these ideas will only be subjected to censorship? Yes, it is true that the freedom of speech inside the campus requires a lot of tolerance to nonsense, idiosyncrasy and bad taste but these are just small prices that we all have to pay to make the learning process more dynamic. Beside s, according to the Court in the case of Roth v US 354 US 476 (1957), any person who feels that he or she is maligned by the obscenities uttered by another person has the right to go to Court for redress. When it comes to decision-making, freedom of speech is very important. Note that a decision made in the campus without proper consultation among the concerned students can lead to a lot of protests. A school that makes decisions without really knowing what the students want is putting itself in a very compromising position. If we recall the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Roger Miller passion for music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Roger Miller passion for music - Essay Example Roger Miller is a well known musician, guitarist, fiddler, drummer, composer and TV star. He did not live with his parents as a child, because his father died at the age of 26, of spiral meningitis. Roger at that time, was only a year old and since his mother was in her early 20s and was not in a position to provide for her three sons, she sent each son to live with each of her three brothers. Roger was sent off to live with his Uncle Elmer and Aunt Armelia at a farm in Oklahoma. This was the birthplace of his creativity and musical talent. Roger’s creativity was the root of his musical talent, but the development of his creativity was the direct result of the loneliness he experienced while living on his uncle’s farm in Oklahoma. His loneliness led him into a different world, a world of fantasy where dreams became his only source of escape from the drudgery of his daily life ( In fact, while speaking about his early childhood days, said: â€Å"A l ot of people who grew up on a farm will know why I said, O Lord give me a guitar and let me get out of here and make something of the world.†

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Anatomy of Human Essay Example for Free

Anatomy of Human Essay 1. Review the anatomy of the brain. Which portion is responsible for keeping you awake, controlling thought, speech, emotions and behavior, maintaining balance and posture? 2. Know the function of the arachnoid villi. 3. Where is the primary defect in Parkinsons disease and Huntingtons? 4. What is the function of the CSF? Where is it produced? Where is it absorbed? 5. Review blood flow to the brain. 6. What is the gate control theory of pain? 7. Know the type of nerve fibers that transmit pain impulses. 8. Where in the CNS does pain perception occur? 9. Know different clinical descriptions of pain; pain threshold/tolerance 10. Know endogenous opioids. 11. What are the two types of fibers that transmit the nerve action potentials generated by excitation of any of the nociceptors. 12. What is the relationship between epinephrine and body temperature? 13. Know mechanisms of heat production and heat loss. 14. Know heat exhaustion and heat stroke? 15. Define the different stages of sleep. 16. Discuss disorders of the conjunctivia of the eye. 17. Which part of the eye controls movement of the eye? 18. What part of the brain must be functioning for cognitive operations? 19. Discuss the types of mid-brain dysfunction and its physical symptoms. 20. Know the best prognostic indicator of recovery of consciousness and functional outcome after a brain event. 21. Know vomiting with which CNS injuries. 22. Define seizure and status epilepticus. What is the medical significance? Know benign febrile seizures. 23. Know the characteristics of closed head injury. 24. Define dyskinesia. Types? Characteristics? 25. Know the stages of intracranial hypertension. 26. Know normal intracranial pressure. How does body compensate for increased  ICP? 27. Know the most critical index of nervous system dysfunction/function. 28. What is responsible for the tremors associated with Parkinsons Disease? 29. Define concussion. Know the different grades of concussion. 30. Know coupe and countercoup brain injuries and how they happen. 31. Know most common primary CNS tumor. 32. What happens to a patient after an acute spinal cord injury? Why is it life threatening? Describe the clinical manifestations. Why would their temperature fluctuate? 33. Know diagnostic criteria for vegetative state and brain death. 34. Define and discuss the different types of stroke, which affected artery causes what data processing deficits (agnosia, dysphasia, etc). 35. Know all types of cerebral edema and what causes each type. 36. Know characteristics of AV malformation. 37. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Multiple Sclerosis. 38. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Guillian Barre Syndrome. 39. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Mysthenia Gravis 40. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Parkinsons disease. 41. Define and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of Huntington disease. 42. Prenatal and perinatal factors may result in what psychiatric condition? 43. What is schizophrenia? What part of the brain is associated with the S/S of this disorder? 44. Define depression and its types; know etiology. 45. How Does ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) treat depression? 46. Define generalized anxiety disorder. What is the underlying defect? Know characteristics. 47. Define panic disorder. What are the complications? 48. Define encephalocele, meningocele, spina bifida, myelomeningocele. Where is the defect located in each? 49. Know when the neural groove closes during embryonic development. 50. Know pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of cerebral palsy. 51. Know pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and etiology of PKU. 52. What nerves are capable of  regeneration?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example for Free

Business Ethics Essay What is ethics? What are some common ethical types? Why do business people need it? Can ethics be taught to people? Ethics is a study of morality, stems from the ancient Greek â€Å"ethos† meaning custom or habit. It is a study of theories concerning what is good and evil in human conduct. There is no particular set of laws defining what is ethical and what is not, because there is no right or wrong answer. The second sense of ethics speak of â€Å"codes of ethics†, which are a set of rules serve as guidance to people, often in fields of professions such as business or medical. Ethical contrasts with unethical, which goes against the codes of ethics. There are several ethical theories in Western philosophy. Many of them look at the fruits of one’s action – categorized under Consequentialism, while other theories uphold one’s right and duty, which is Deontology. Consequentialism pertains to cost and benefits. It deals with the results and consequences of performing or not performing an action. For example: If war brings more good (money, oil, labor) than bad (casualties) then it is ethical. Some consequentialist theories are utilitarianism and ethical egoism. Utilitarianism, according to Bentham and Mill, the right action is which creates the greatest good for the greatest number. People should ask what action would promote the greatest amount of happiness for people who are affected. For example: a utilitarian would say euthanasia is ethical if that would bring satisfaction to the suffering patient and financial relief to the family. Ethical egoism, according to Ayn Rand, says we should do what is purely in our best interest, as opposed to altruism. It promotes one’s well-being above others. Meanwhile deontology pertains to rights, duties or obligations. It concerns the morality of the action that is being performed (or not performed) rather than the results deriving from said action. In Kantian deontology, he promotes the Golden rules (don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t commit suicide) which are absolute rules that one must follow no matter what. Therefore it would be unethical to steal food even if it is for a dying person. In Lockean deontology, John Lock believes each individual is entitled to natural rights, such as right to live, right to freedom, right o pursue happiness, ect. Another theory is virtual ethics, which is similar to Confucianism, in that a person’s virtues are habits and characteristics that one exhibits. Business people need ethics because it helps prevent malpractices and corruptions. Business practitioners should refer to business codes of conduct as a guide to maintain good business practices that help safeguarding customer confidence, rights and satisfactions; protecting employees and shareholders’ interests and legal rights; and upholding healthy competitions among businesses. According to Socrates, ethics are what people ought to do and it can be taught. Psychologists also argue that a person’s ability to deal with moral issues is not formed since birth but develop gradually. I personally think a person’s moral can be shaped and that ethics should be taught, because without it we are left with a generation full of confused individuals whom are unable to comprehend and decide what right and what is wrong. That said, ethics should not be forced on people but should only serve as a guide and advisor. Because there is no uniform set of rules for ethics, it is subjective to the psycho-demographic and geographic of the teachers. A new learner should be given space to assess and confirm what he believes is right and wrong for himself. 2/ What is an argument? What makes it valid/invalid, sound/unsound, good/ bad, â€Å"true†? An argument is a collection of statements or propositions, including premises and conclusions, in an attempt to persuade another that the conclusion is true. The premises are intended to provide support and evidence in favor to the speaker’s stance, and in some cases they don’t success. There can be an indefinite number of premises, while there needs to be at least one conclusion. Conclusions are statements about the point the argument is trying to make. An argument needs to base on logic, in order to avoid logical fallacies (such as slippery slope argument) which make an argument bad, invalid or unsound. An argument is valid, or colloquially speaking, is good if the premises give logical and true reasons to prove that the conclusion is true. It is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion false, or if the conclusion follows from the premises in a logical way.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Online Advertising Overview Media Essay

The Online Advertising Overview Media Essay As the presence of technology meshes into every aspect of our lives, mobile advertising has been recognized by many if not all marketers as being the future, but is it truly? Mobile devices have taken over our lives in many aspects. With their ability to shoot video, take pictures, playing your music library, browse the internet and so on; these new features allow marketers to target consumers via mobile ads and mobile applications. As time passes and technology evolves, new types of advertising venues spring up transitioning from newspapers to billboards, TV and radio, and now the internet. The authors of a peered reviewed scholarly article discuss how, Online advertising has three characteristics; ease of targeting; personalized contents; and interactivity (Dhar, Subhankar, and Upkar Varshney, 356). In comparison to TV or radio advertising, the internet medium allows advertisers to create interactive advertisements that can be tailored to be personalized and target the consumers di rect interests. But with the introduction of new methods and technologies to the market, it does not come without its disadvantages. Online Advertising Overview The end of the 20th century and the beginning of 21st were characterized by rapid developments of communication tools. Advertising delivered over the Internet or better known as online advertising has become a significant source of revenue for web-based businesses. Internet-based advertising is a gale of creative destruction (in the words of Schumpeter, 1942) sweepin g across the advertising and media landscape. Online advertisings humble beginnings began in in 1994 when HotWired, a web magazine, sold a banner ad to ATT and displayed the ad on its webpage (Kaye and Medoff, 2001). But since that time, the e-commerce hype has taken hold, and the focus has already moved on to the mobile Internet. The new technology changed the world by revolutionizing communication at a time when mobile computing technology as a communication tool was solely limited to telephone. However, due to digitalization and the consolidation of telecommunication networks and Internet technology, mobile devices ha ve evolved to provide the same experience as full-scale Internet-enabled computers. The convergence of these technologies provides endless possibilities for mobile computing applications and usage. M-advertising is inexpensive and can be highly targeted towards a certain individual. The potential of mobile devices as direct marketing tools has not gone unnoticed and advertisers have realized the opportunity to use the mobile channel to text information to targeted consumers. Unlike traditional print, TV, or even email advertising, companies can now reach speci ¬Ã‚ c consumer groups or even individuals, virtually anywhere, anytime, and based on the physical location of the mobile user. In addition, companies have more knowledge about their client pool than ever before. This provides businesses with the opportunity to reach their prospects when and where it is most appropriate for the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. M-advertising could most likely become a very powerful new marketing tool enabling businesses to customize and personalize advertising for mobile users. The Negative Side Effects of Mobile Advertising Although there are various de ¬Ã‚ nitions for the concept of M-advertising, no commonly accepted de ¬Ã‚ nition exists. This is because not much research is done in the area of M-advertising. In the present article M-advertising is referred to as the sending of electronic advertisements (mobile ads) to consumers carrying mobile devices. M-advertising is regarded by many as one of the most promising and pro ¬Ã‚ table business opportunities amongst mobile computing applications. A recent mobile marketing survey suggests that about 7% of the mobile users would be willing to receive mobile ads if they were relevant. Unlike personal computers (PCs), mobile devices typically are not shared, which allows for precise targeting of advertising to a single person. Moreover, mobile users rarely leave their home without their device and use them frequently throughout the day. As a result a message sent to a mobile device commands the immediate attention of the mobile user and may be perce ived as intrusive if the message is unanticipated. Mobile advertising is inexpensive and novel, and can be highly targeted towards a certain individual. The potential of mobile devices as direct marketing tools has not gone unnoticed and advertisers have realized the opportunity to use the mobile channel to text information to targeted consumers. Unlike traditional print, TV, or even email advertising, companies can now reach speci ¬Ã‚ c consumer groups or even individuals, virtually anywhere, anytime, and based on the physical location of the mobile user. In addition, companies have more knowledge about their client pool than ever before. This provides businesses with the opportunity to reach their prospects when and where it is most appropriate for the effectiveness of a marketing campaign. M-advertising could most likely become a very powerful new marketing tool enabling businesses to customize and personalize advertising for mobile users. The authors bring up the negative side effects of mobile advertising which include spam mail, SMS text messages, and privacy invasion. The authors go on to explain that, Since mobile communication is perceived as a truly private way of intercommunication, consumers can easily have a feeling that their privacy is invaded (Dhar, 356). The biggest fears that have arisen in recent years are location based marketing via GPS enabled mobile devices. (Dhar, 356). It isnt a surprise though that the idea of combining location information and user data could raise a serious privacy concerns for consumers because the activity of the individual can possibly be traced, which the authors also bring up. Privacy of the consumer can come in many different tolerance levels. Consumers nowadays prefer advertisements which are geared more towards their interests than ones that dont. Email and other types of internet messaging services are often times the center of spam targeting. A scholarly article by Evelyne Beatrix Cleff affirms that, Unanticipated advertising messages, commonly referred to mobile spam, are considered to be a form of privacy violation (Cleff, 229). Data which is collected from the market is used to create a profile of the consumer and help to categorize what that persons interests are. Cleff later states in the article that These practices may lead to an over-collecting of personal data without the proper implementation of personal data privacy, such as providing a set of standards governing the collection as well as the use of personal data and addressing issues of privacy and accuracy (Cleff, 229). Since most of use our smartphones for popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, our standard of privacy as changed c ompletely. 50 years ago, for example, the general population would have never dreamed of putting up their personal home phone number up on a billboard for all to see. Yet nowadays, Facebook users will post even their home addresses on their profiles and other social networking websites with millions of eyes to see it. Because these advertising methods interfere into peoples private information, there are opt-out programs when using these services that restrict personalized advertising from gathering any information from your online browsing habits. A statement made by Cleff brings up the point that Consequently, privacy fears may not only be limiting the growth of m-advertising, but may also be affecting the validity and completeness of customer databases and pro ¬Ã‚ les, leading to inaccurate targeting, wasted effort, etc (Cleff, 229). Because online privacy has been a huge issue, there has been doubt that as the consumer becomes more annoyed by the presence of advertisements on the internet. Since literally all major social networking and online e-tailors provide opt-out programs for their users, will it be able to provide continued revenue growth in the coming years? Regulation and The Future Regulation in the United States falls under the Federal Trade Comission (FTC) with their Federal Trade Commission Act (FTCA) which protects consumers from unfair practices by sellers and marketers alike. A scholarly article in the Texas Law Review by David DeMarco goes indepth on the topic of privacy issues related to online marketing methods and subsequent regulations that comes with it. He goes on to explain that Although e-companies and Internet users may differ about the degree of access to collected information that companies ought to provide to their customers for verification purposesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ businesses have a compelling interest in maintaining accurate and complete information about their customers (DeMarco, 1042). He goes on later to explain how there has been a push in the last two decades to push for industry self-regulation which is considered by a source in his article to be an abject failure. Because the internet is so vast and unregulated by governments, there h ave been huge doubts as to how consumers privacy will ever be regulated. According to a statement made by DeMarco, At the core of the self-regulatory regime sits a websites privacy policy (DeMarco, 1045). Since websites wont take responsibility for your information, who will? People dont realize as they allow for these websites and applications to access our photos, contacts, emails and so on, we give up ourselves to potential criminals that may lurk on the internet. As social networks come and go, the privacy we give up wont change. Society today as shifted completely due to the internet and without regulation, privacy or the idea of it will become nothing more than a word since all our information will be out there for the taking, regardless of your opinion. Overall, privacy issues and mobile advertising have turned into something highly taboo. Opinions on the matter vary from consumer to consumer due to younger people being more open about information their parents generation would have deemed unimaginable to post on the internet for all eyes to see. Laws and regulations by governments cannot keep up with the ever changing fads on the internet. From location based personalized advertising to the billboard you drive past on highway, mobile advertising is becoming embedded into every aspect of our lives. Consumers today carry their phones everywhere and with the mobile internet service providing the link, millions if not billions of people have their information gathered daily to provide a more personalized and creepy targeting campaign for your buying desires.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Merchant of Venice Essay: Shylock - Antagonist or Victim?

The Merchant of Venice: Shylock - Antagonist or Victim?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚   In The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, there appears Shylock - a Jew. As the play unfolds Shylock is seen to be the villain and is portrayed as being cold, unbending, and evil.   Shylock can easily be assumed to be the antagonist in this play or, after careful research and study, he can also be viewed as persecuted individual who resorts to revenge as a last resort after he has been pushed too far.    To fully understand the character of Shylock we must first look at Elizabeathen attitudes towards Jews.   In the sixteenth century Jews were rarely if ever seen in England.   In the Middle Ages Jews had fled to England to escape persecution in France under the Normans.   They were granted charter in England by Henry I in return for a percentage of their profits from trade and moneylending.   It is here that the stereotype of Jews lending money was started.   Because of the tariffs placed on them by the crown Jews took to charging high interest rates to secure profits for themselves.   Here we see echos of   Shylock with his usury. Finally the Jews were ordered out of England in 1254 by Edward I. They did not return to England until the later half of the seventeenth century. (Lippman 3-4) Jews were also viewed as devils by Elizabeathan audiences.   Old stories portrayed them as "blood-thirsty murders" that poisoned wells and killed Christian children for their bizarre Passover ritual!   als. (Stirling 2:1)  Ã‚   These were the stereotypes which Shakespeare's audience held in regard to Jews.   Shakespeare himself had never seen a Jew but he goes to great lengths to humanize Shylock even while perpetuating the stereotype.    In Act 1:3, before Shyl... ...d, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is?   (III,i,54-59)    At this point in the play it seems that Shylock is no different from any other man except for the fact that his religion has made him in outcast from society.   Our understanding of this fact does not lessen the horror we feel at his cruelty towards Antonio, but we are able to remember that the passion for revenge is a common human failing and not the unique characteristics of a ferocious and inhuman monster as the Elizabeathans believed. (Lippman 3)    Works Cited: Lippman,   Laura.  Ã‚   Merchant of Venice   Princeton, NJ: Peterson's Guides, 1999. Stirling, Grant. "Shakespeare and Anti-Semitism: The Question of Shylock." February 1997. Merchant of Venice Essay: Shylock - Antagonist or Victim? The Merchant of Venice: Shylock - Antagonist or Victim?  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚   In The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, there appears Shylock - a Jew. As the play unfolds Shylock is seen to be the villain and is portrayed as being cold, unbending, and evil.   Shylock can easily be assumed to be the antagonist in this play or, after careful research and study, he can also be viewed as persecuted individual who resorts to revenge as a last resort after he has been pushed too far.    To fully understand the character of Shylock we must first look at Elizabeathen attitudes towards Jews.   In the sixteenth century Jews were rarely if ever seen in England.   In the Middle Ages Jews had fled to England to escape persecution in France under the Normans.   They were granted charter in England by Henry I in return for a percentage of their profits from trade and moneylending.   It is here that the stereotype of Jews lending money was started.   Because of the tariffs placed on them by the crown Jews took to charging high interest rates to secure profits for themselves.   Here we see echos of   Shylock with his usury. Finally the Jews were ordered out of England in 1254 by Edward I. They did not return to England until the later half of the seventeenth century. (Lippman 3-4) Jews were also viewed as devils by Elizabeathan audiences.   Old stories portrayed them as "blood-thirsty murders" that poisoned wells and killed Christian children for their bizarre Passover ritual!   als. (Stirling 2:1)  Ã‚   These were the stereotypes which Shakespeare's audience held in regard to Jews.   Shakespeare himself had never seen a Jew but he goes to great lengths to humanize Shylock even while perpetuating the stereotype.    In Act 1:3, before Shyl... ...d, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is?   (III,i,54-59)    At this point in the play it seems that Shylock is no different from any other man except for the fact that his religion has made him in outcast from society.   Our understanding of this fact does not lessen the horror we feel at his cruelty towards Antonio, but we are able to remember that the passion for revenge is a common human failing and not the unique characteristics of a ferocious and inhuman monster as the Elizabeathans believed. (Lippman 3)    Works Cited: Lippman,   Laura.  Ã‚   Merchant of Venice   Princeton, NJ: Peterson's Guides, 1999. Stirling, Grant. "Shakespeare and Anti-Semitism: The Question of Shylock." February 1997.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Economics: Keynes vs. Hayek Essay -- Keynes vs. Hayek, 2014

The past few years the United States has seen some rough economic times.   The unemployment rate is extremely high and many people have lost their homes and businesses.   Because there are so many factors in an economy, it is hard to find the right people to blame.   The protest group â€Å"Occupy Wall Street† has come to the conclusion that corporations are making us poor through taking advantage of us and the governmental system.  Ã‚   The share of income going to the top one percent of Americans has increased dramatically over the past few years and â€Å"Occupy Wall Street† is outraged.   They are calling for increased governmental regulation so that the lower quintile Americans can gain some equality (Cesca).     I wonder who is actually at fault.   Is it actually this top one percent who have been hurting us or some other factor?   Maybe the government has created the problem. A good way to approach it is to take a step back and look at the philosophy of economics.   From learning about classical economic theory, modern dilemmas, specifically â€Å"Occupy Wall Street,† may be easier to solve.   There are two main theories on economics and how a society should run.   The classical theory is that of the British economist, John Maynard Keynes.  Ã‚   The other, less popular theory is from the Austrian economist, Friedrich August Hayek.   These two highly respected economists did most of their important work in the mid-20th  century. (Cochran and Glahe 69). John Maynard Keynes classical approach to economics and the business cycle has dominated society, especially the United States.   His idea was that government intervention was necessary in a properly functioning economy.   Ã‚  One economic author, John Edward King, claimed of the theory that: Keynes believed tha... ...itical Economy  26.1   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (1994): 69-94. Print.    Papola, John. â€Å"Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two† – YouTube.  YouTube –   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Broadcast Yourself.  Web. 29 Oct. 2011.    Friedman, Milton.  Capitalism and Freedom.  [Chicago]: University of Chicago, 1962.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Print    King, J. E. â€Å"Keynes and ‘Psychology’.†Ã‚  Economic Papers: A Journal of Applied   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Economics and Policy  29.1 (2010): 1-12. Print.    Maiello, Michael. â€Å"Keynes vs. Hayek Debate Rages With OWS and Tea Party.†Ã‚  The Daily Beast. 29 Oct. 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2011    Roberts, Russ. â€Å"Occupy Wall Street and Washington’s History of Financial Bailouts | Foreign   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Affairs.†Ã‚  Home | Foreign Affairs. 21 Oct. 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2011.      Rosenberg, Alex. â€Å"Rosenberg on the Nature of Economics.† Interview. Audio blog post.  EconTalk. ITunes, 26 Sept. 2011. Web. 30 Oct. 2011.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sociology and Tutor Marked Assignment

Foundation Course in Humanities and Social Sciences Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) Course Code: BSHF-101 Assignment Code: BSHF-101/AST/TMA/2012-13 Total Marks: 100 A. Descriptive Category Questions (DCQ) answer any two in 500 words each: 1. Analyse the evolution of man as a tool making animal. 20 2. Does the post – Industrial society differ from the Industrial society? Explain 20 3. Analyse the role of Gandhi in the National Movement. 20 4.How do you assess the performance of Indian Economy during the initial years of Globalization (since 1991)? 20 B. Middle Category Questions (MCQ) answer any four in 250 words each: 5. Discuss the achievements of Renaissance in the field of art and architecture. 12 6. Has the Indian Economy made any progress in the field of Distributive justice? 12 7. Discuss the directive Principles of State policies. Discuss the fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. How are the different? 12 8.What role do non-state actors play in the dem ocratic process? Discuss. 12 9. What role does coordination play in the management of organizations? Discuss. 12 10. Discuss the concept of governance. Is fostering openness in the system a part of good governance. 12 11. How do you look at the concept of ‘Human Security’? D iscuss. 12 12. Discuss the concept of â€Å"Digital Divide†. How do you think it can be bridged? 12 C. Short Category Questions (SCQ) 6+6 a) b) c) d) Secularism Bharatnatyam Ellora Paintings Kyoto Protocol 4

Monday, September 16, 2019

Earth the Ailing Planet Essay

For more than a hundred years, human beings have been excavating mountains and building roads for faster transportation. When the forests and mountains are destroyed, natural waterways are also disrupted. In today’s modern world, there is mass production of goods for daily consumption. The sprawling cities, high-rise buildings, cars, and electric appliances of modern society demand a tremendous amount of natural resources. Besides the depletion of resources, much pollution and waste are created in the process of manufacturing. The universe is a composite of the four elements of earth, water, fire, and air. When the earth element i. e. soil or land falls out of balance, earthquakes result; when the air element i. e. air current falls out of balance, hurricanes and typhoons arise; when the water element i. e rivers and oceans falls out of balance, downpours and floods occur. In recent years, there have been many natural disasters, showing us the imbalance of the four elements. Natural disasters are occurring all around the world. This is very worrying. When closely examined, all the various disasters can be linked to our destruction of the Earth. To change the world, we must begin by transforming hearts and minds. Given the environmental problems facing our world today, we must not only change attitudes but also lifestyles. We should have a grateful heart toward our planet. As each of us is consuming resources and contributing to pollution, we must always think about how to conserve resources. If we lead a simpler life, we will help reduce the amount of garbage and protect our environment, thus improving the quality of life on Earth. It is a simple concept, but if we all put it into practice, the impact can be profound and far-reaching. Living on this planet, our fate is intertwined with the health of our planet. Let us always remember that we coexist with the Earth.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Literary arguement

Good writers write about life and someone living it, while great writers write about living itself and a living out a struggle that not only captures one person, but it also captures the soul of having a struggle in general. Although story of The World According to Garp has received its fair share rant and rave reviews by the judging public, what makes this book a great read is that it gives us something to talk about. It’s so powerful, that you only either hate it or love it. The storyline is so compelling, that it will you’re your eyes into looking more in the problems not only in the characters of the story, but also the struggle that we face in general. May it be in struggles of classes, or gender and most importantly, fighting for your rights. In the story of the The World According to Garp, from the very opening of this novel, it was pretty evident that the story was not for the weak of heart. It was obvious that the novel was to be dealing with the harsh realities of life that will really grip your attention, not only because of the drama but more importantly; because the story depicts something that we see in the streets and sometimes even our lives itself. What can we read in the novel that is so gripping that it has caused a craze in its time of release? The answer is struggle. From the very beginning â€Å"This was shortly after the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor and the people were being tolerant of soldiers, because suddenly everyone was a soldier, but Jenny Fields was quite firm in her intolerance of the behavior of men in general an soldiers in particular. (Iriving 1976, page1)† The story revolves around exactly this; how men, in general was a threat to women like Jenny. Unfortunately, in the harsh reality presented in the book, very few women were empowered to fight against abuses of men. Predictably, like most novels, women were once again depicted as victims and the men were the antagonists whom inflicted pain and suffering to women roles in this novel. What sets this story of story apart though is the level of stress the author took in the brutalization of sex as one of the major sources of oppression for women. Irving has been known to write about this topic not only in this novel, but also in his other works like the â€Å"The Hotel New Hamshire†. Irving has been notorious about putting stress in this issue that a number of book reviews coming from columnists like Doane and Hodges notices that Irving views a great strength in male power and he not only sees it as a day to day occurrence, but more importantly, that he found it as one of the things that are inevitable in the present day scenario. In the perfect words, he explained how he viewed brutalization of sex in The World According to Garp: â€Å"We are all terminal cases. Imagining something is better than remembering something. In this dirty-minded world, you are either somebody's wife or somebody's whore — or fast on your way to becoming one or the other. Between men and women, only death is shared equally. Lust makes the best men behave out of character.† In this statement, Irving caught perfectly in words how the scenario is with women and their battle against any abuse coming from the opposite sex. He capture the scenario its utmost reality to the core of why it was considered as one of the inevitable battles known to women. He dared say what was lying right under our noses but refuse to talk about, human nature at its utmost real and brutal sense. I guess to a certain extent, he had to do it to stress a point, someone had to point a finger to that problem for people to start facing the possibility of finding a solution to how men generally treat women. Even though some feminists responded to his novel with great retaliation to how he depicted women in his novel, what most feminists failed to notice was that his intentions in painting color to brutalization in sex into his novels was intended not to put down women to accept such roles, but rather to fight it. Unlike most authors who make women roles the typical traditional roles that box up women to be submissive and weak, Irving’s intention of writing about women in that light was to point out a problem that women face to come up with the end result of inspiring readers to do something about it. He took a man’s role and a woman’s role and torn all its clothes out to the point where in it was completely naked for us to pick on what was wrong with the picture that we have always been presented to but never really had a chance to look at. If you ask me, I think no author has ever done that simply for the reason of having people get the wrong impression of what he was trying to say. It’s a pity that very few try this tactic, coz you know if you have a great novel in your hand if your only allowed to have two of the varying reactions to reading it; you either hate it or love it. Why is this so? Because in the two varying ends of the pole, the book achieved what it’s author’s intention was to begin with; stir your emotions and strike a chord. As for Irving’s Goal in stressing a point in exposing brutalization in sex in his novel, I think he pretty much achieved it by simply stirring an outburst of public opinion in the feminist movement. Even though the general reaction to the context of his novel may initially be bad for women in the feminist movement, eventually true colors came up to float and women now realize the real point of Irving’s writing about how painful it is to be a woman. On the contrary, by showing women’s weaknesses in his novel, he achieved the exact opposite by illustrating how strong women are by coping with it, this is pretty evident in the story and characters of the women in the novel, especially Jenny References: Irving, J., Mc Caferrey, L. 1982, ‘An interview with John Irving’, Contemporary Literature 23, no. 1, winter, pp.1-18. Irving J., The World according to Garp [online] 1996, Available:[2007, October 17] Larson J., ‘The World According to Garp’ and ‘The Hotel Hampshire’ [online] 2005, available: [2007, October 17]

Saturday, September 14, 2019

An Analysis Of The Financial Annual Report Of Victrex Plc Accounting Essay

1.0 IntroductionThis paper comprises of two subdivisions. The first subdivision involves an analysis of the fiscal one-year study of Victrex Plc in 2010, and appraisal of the public presentation of the concern in 2010 in comparing to the old twelvemonth 2009. The analysis will be carried out by reexamining the fiscal information provided in the company ‘s one-year study allocated for this paper. The type of information included in said one-year study are the Chairman ‘s statement, the Chief Executive Officer ‘s reappraisal, Financial Director ‘s study, the Director ‘s study & A ; the fiscal statements such as income statement, balance sheet and hard currency flow statement. An overview of the concern public presentation over the last five old ages will besides be discussed. The relevant ratios will be computed in order to analyze the public presentation of the concern and suggestion decisions and tax write-offs where appropriate. Other relevant informati on such as corporate administration and accounting policies will be considered and discussed. The 2nd subdivision of this paper will analyze the relevancy of working capital direction in a concern and discoursing how the author playing the function of financial officer impacted on working capital.Furthermore, techniques such as fringy costing and budgeting and their benefits in the decision-making procedure will be compared to the existent universe state of affairs.1.1 COMPANY OVERVIEWVictrex Plc is a taking planetary maker of high public presentation thermoplastics polymers which began utilizing the VICTREXA ®PEEK in Western Europe and United States to turn to the demands in the automotive and transit sector. As concern became planetary, Victrex expanded into high turning markets such as Japan, China, India, Russia, and Brazil. The company has over 30years experience in the production of polyketone. Within this clip of operation, Victrex Plc has a production, engineering, client service and distribution squad that spans over 30 states worldwide. Victrex Plc portions are li sted in the London Stock Exchange. Victrex Plc comprises of two divisions viz. the Victrex Polymer Solution and the Invibio Biomaterial Solutions. Victrex Polymer Solution focuses on the conveyance, industrial and the electronic markets. This division specialises in the development and industry of high public presentation polyaryletherketones such as VICTREXA ®PEEKa„? polymer, VICOTEA ® coatings and APTIVa„? movies. On the other manus, Invibio Biomaterial Solutions focuses on supplying specialist solutions for medical device makers. This division provides entree to extremely specialized biocompatible PEEK- based stuffs and services for medical device makers. Their trade names are PEEK-OPTIMA, MOTIS, PEEK-CLASSIX and ENDOLIGN. VICTREXA ®PEEK Polymer is behind most of today ‘s invention in markets runing from automotive, energy, electronics, aerospace, semi music directors, medical, nutrient processing and fabrics.1.2 FIVE Year FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVIEWThe one-year study 2010 of Victrex Plc has some information over the last five old ages of the public presentation of the Organisation. Information in the one-year study high spots consequences on gross, net income before revenue enhancement, balance sheets, hard currency flow ratios and sale volume. However, this study shows that the gross of the company for the past five old ages increased by 6.9 % between 2006 ( ? 122.5m ) and 2007 ( ? 131.0m ) . This growing was due to an addition in gross revenues of their industrial market which went up 16 % above the old twelvemonth due to increase in demand for oil and gas and chemical processing clients. The conveyance market besides increased by 6 % as a consequence of increased commercial aerospace gross revenues. Regionally, United States was up 9 % due to growing in the automotive, commercial aerospace and oil and gas sections, but was partly offset by a decrease in semiconducting material gross revenues. Asia Pacific gross revenues were up 13 % as a growing in addition gross revenues of conveyance and electronics ( Victrex, 2010 ) . In the old ages 2007 and 2008, the company experienced an addition of 7.7 % from ?131.0m in 2007 to ?141.1m in 2008. This growing was as a consequence of addition in gross revenues in Japan and the United States. Besides addition in the commercial aerospace gross revenues in United States and Europe led to the growing in gross ( Victrex, 2010 ) . In Year 2008 and Year 2009, Based on the impact of clients destocking, there was a lessening of ( 26.4 ) % in gross from ?141.1m in 2008 to ?103.8 in 2009. This decrease was as a consequence of decrease of gross revenues volume based on the economic downswing. Transport gross revenues decreased by 41 % in 2009 due to important diminution in automotive gross revenues across all parts. Industrial sale volume besides decreased by 35 % in 2009 as a consequence of reduced oil and gas demand, this besides became resilient based on the economic downswing ( Victrex, 2010 ) . Finally, the study shows that the greatest addition in gross within the five twelvemonth period was between 2009 and 2010 as gross addition was 82.6 % from ?103.8 in 2009 to ?189.5 in 2010. This was as a consequence of addition in gross revenues volume from 1547 metric tons to 2535 metric tons. The benefit of improved implicit in exchange rates as the sterling weakened against their currencies during the twelvemonth besides had a positive impact. Increased gross revenues in electronics were up by 96 % over 2009 which reflected strong gross revenues into the client electronics and semi music director fabrication sector. High demand of merchandises resulted in an addition of gross revenues in the geographical and industrial market which allowed for high stock list degrees and fabrication rates. The addition in gross revenues was as a consequence of restocking tendencies. Other markets such as transport gross revenues volume increased by 59 % over 2009, Industrial gross revenues increas ed by 53 % over 2009. Aerospace showed strong growing due to a combination of higher production degrees and new aircrafts orders driven by positive tendencies and prognosis for both concern and touristry travel, and new application development for the merchandises to assist run into demands ( Victrex, 2010 ) . From the one-year study given for the operating net income ( Net income before involvement and revenue enhancement ) , it can be seen that in twelvemonth 2006 it was ?46.1m and increased in twelvemonth 2007 to ?52.0m, amounting to an addition of ?5.9m. Besides in old ages 2007 and twelvemonth 2008, there was an addition of ?3.0m with operating net income in 2007 as ?52.0m and in 2008 as ?55.0m. However, there was a lessening of ( ?29.9m ) in twelvemonth 2008 and 2009, with operating net income of in 2008 as ?55.0m and in 2009 as ?25.1m. In twelvemonth 2010, the company made the greatest addition of ?49.8m in operating net income between twelvemonth 2009 as ?25.1m and twelvemonth 2010 as ?74.9m ( Victrex, 2010 ) . These figures are illustrated in the diagram belowFigure 1: Victrex Plc ‘s Five Year Gross and Net income before Interest and TaxFrom the chart, it can be deduced that the company had an addition in gross and net income before involvement and revenue enhancement from Y ear 2006- 2008, a decrease in Year 2009 and a important addition in Year 2010.2.0 VICTREX ANNUAL REPORT ANALYSISIn measuring the fiscal state of affairs of Victrex Plc, it is required to look at its Amalgamate Income Statement, Consolidated Balance sheet and Cash Flow Statement. The Ratio Analysis is deduced utilizing four wide countries such as Profitability Ratios, Efficiency Ratios, Liquidity Ratios and Investment Ratios ( White et al. , 2003 ) . For the intent of this paper, the figures used are from the 2010 Annual Report and are calculated in ?million ( m ) .2.1 INTERPRETATION OF ACCOUNTSRatios are indexs to an penetration on countries that need to be examined in more inside informations by comparing the old twelvemonth ( 2009 ) to the undermentioned twelvemonth ( 2010 ) of Victrex Plc ( Perry, 2011 ) . Hence, the ratios are interconnected and used to pull decisions from the analysis by measuring a company ‘s public presentation. To this terminal, Victrex Plc will be ana lysed utilizing the four wide countries of ratio analysis.2.1.1 GrossThe company ‘s income statement shows that gross was up by 82 % to ?189.5m in 2010 from ?103.8m in 2009. This addition was as a consequence of addition in gross revenues volume by 64 % due to a strong recoil in demand across all markets in Europe, Middle East and Africa ( ‘EMEA ‘ ) , America, Asia Pacific and United Kingdom. Besides there was depreciation in sterling as this resulted in the addition of gross of other markets, which enabled the company benefit from the exchange rate derived function. The one-year study shows that the changeless exchange rate of the gross was up 47 % compared to 2009 ( Victrex, 2010 ) .2.1.2 PROFITABILITY RATIOProfitability ratios are used to find how productively the concern is runing. Thus Net income is a step of a concern success ; therefore these ratios are watched by both internal users and external users such as direction and stockholders ( Jones, 2006 ) . Pro fitability ratios comprises of Return on Capital Employed, Return on Total Assets, Return on Shareholders Fund, Gross net income Ratio, Operating Profit Ratio and Mark-up Ratio ( Perry, 2011 ) . RETURN ON CAPITAL EMPLOYEDThis ratio considers how efficaciously a company uses its capital employed ( Jones, 2006 ) .According to Perry ( 2011 ) , Return on Capital Employed is defined as: ROCE= Net income before Interest & amp ; Tax ( Operating Profit ) x 100 Entire Assets- Current Liabilities ( Capital Employed ) In 2010, it was 74.9m Ten 100 = 74.9m A-100 = 31.67 % 279.0m – 42.5m 236.5m In 2009, it was 25.1m Ten 100 = 25.1m A- 100 = 12.89 % 221.0m – 26.3m 194.7m From the computation above, it shows that there was an addition of 18.78 % in 2010 compared to 2009. This was due to the operating net income, entire assets and current liabilities. In footings of the operating net income, the addition was up 198 % to ?74.9m in 2010 from ?25.1m in 2009 and this was as a consequence of an addition in gross net income which was impacted by the addition in gross and cost of gross revenues. The gross net income increased 87 % with the gross border at 63.6 % of the gross in 2010.The gross border was 62.1 % in 2009 and was up 63.6 % in 2010. The 1.5 % difference was due to positive impact of currency partly offset by an addition in ‘cost per metric ton ‘ as gross revenues were mostly out of stock list produced in 2009. There was a lessening in production volumes in 2009 as a consequence in increased fixed production costs per metric ton. Gross saless, selling and administrative disbursals increased by 16 % to ?45.7m in 2010 from ?39.4m in 2009 as a consequence of elements of staff wage being linked to the fiscal public presentation. There were besides investings in resources to drive new application development across both divisions. The one-year study besides shows the changeless exchange rate was up 53 % compared to 2009. The Entire Assets besides increased by 26.2 % to ?279m in 2010 from ?221m in 2009, this was as a consequence of an addition in hard currency with ?77.2m in 2010 from ?18.6m in 2009 which reflects the strong recoil in gross revenues generated from operations which was shown on the hard currency flow statement. The current liabilities were up due to an addition in trade and other payables that were affected by accumulations of ?18.7m in 2010 from ?8.8m in 2009 which implies the company still has hard currency to pay to their creditors ( Victrex, 2010 ) . RETURN ON TOTAL ASSETSThis ratio shows how good a concern is profitable in relation to its invested assets and what it has taken to fund it ( Dys on, 2007 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , Return on Total Assets can be defined as: ROTA = Net income before Interest and Tax A- 100 Entire Assetss In 2010, it was 74.9m A- 100 = 26.85 % 279m In 2009, it was 25.1m A- 100 = 11.36 % 221m The computation above shows that there is an addition of 15.49 % in 2009 to 2010. But this addition was due to an increased operating net income every bit good as an addition in entire assets. As discussed in ROCE, the operating net income increased due to increase in gross net income of 87 % within 2009 and 2010, cost of gross revenues of 75.3 % in 2009 and 2010 and gross of 82 % in 2009 and 2010. Besides in footings of the entire assets, there was an addition in hard currency and hard currency equivalents of 315 % between 2009 and 2010, addition in trade and other receivables which implies addition in money owed to the company by debitors of 21.6 % between 2009 and 2010 and an addition in deferred Tax assets of 36.6 % between 2009 and 2010 ( Victrex, 2010 ) . RETURN ON SHAREHOLDERS FundssThis ratio measures how good the direction turned the return on capital employed to a return on the financess invested by the stockholders ( Millichamp, 1997 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , Return on Shareholders Fundss can be defined as: ROSF = Profit after Tax ( Net incomes ) A- 100 Stockholders Fundss In 2010, it was 54m A- 100 = 25.60 % 211m In 2009, it was 17.8m A- 100 = 10.60 % 168m From the computation above, there was a 15 % addition between 2009 and 2010 in the return of stockholder ‘s financess. This addition is due to an addition of gross which was as a major accelerator in hiking gross revenues and besides depreciation in the sterling which increased the gross from other markets. Besides there was an addition in the stockholders financess of ?43m between 2009 and 2010, due to the fact that the managers recommended the payment of a concluding dividend of 18.6p per ordinary portion and a particular dividend of 50.0p per ordinary portion, as a consequence of this, there was an addition in the portion premium. Based on the ROSF, it is likely the stockholders will appreciate the consequences, as this shows an addition from the old twelvemonth and the company is doing net income in 2010 ( Victrex, 2010 ) . GROSS PROFIT MARGINThis ratio calculates the net income earned through trading, it is utile in a concern where stock is purchased, marked up and so resold ( Jones, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , Gross Profit Margin can be defined as: Gross Profit Margin = Gross Profit A- 100 Gross saless In 2010, it was 120.6m A- 100 = 63.64 % 189.5m In 2009, it was 64.5m A-100 = 62.14 % 103.8m As can be seen above, the Gross net income border difference between 2009 and 2010 is 1.50 % . This addition was based on increased Cost of gross revenues every bit good as in addition in gross. The gross net income increased 87 % with the gross border at 63.6 % of the gross in 2010. The gross border grew to 63.6 % in 2010 from 62.1 % in 2009.The 1.5 % difference was due to positive impact of currency partly offset by an addition in ‘cost per metric ton ‘ as gross revenues were mostly out of stock list produced in 2009. There was a lessening in production volumes in 2009 as a consequence of increased fixed production costs per metric ton. Besides, there was an addition in gross revenues which led to the addition in gross to 82 % to ?189.5m in 2010 from ?103.8m in 2009. Besides depreciation in sterling besides helped the company ‘s growing as the gross of the other markets increased ( Victrex, 2010 ) . OPERATING Net income MarginThis is an of import fiscal ind ex ; it is calculated after disbursal in the net income and loss history. It is largely used for internal comparing due to the fact that differing accounting policies applied by different concerns make external comparing complicated ( Perry, 2011 ) . Operating Net income Margin can be defined as: Operating Net income Margin = Net income before Interest and Tax A- 100 ( Perry, 2011 ) Gross saless In 2010, it was 74.9m A- 100 = 39.53 % 189.5m In 2009, it was 25.1m A- 100 = 24.18 % 103.8m The operating net income border difference between 2009 and 2010 is 15.35 % as this was as a consequence of the addition in the operating net income which was up 198 % to ?74.9m in 2010 from ?25.1m in 2009. This was as a consequence of addition in the gross revenues, selling and administrative disbursals and gross net income, every bit good as increased gross revenues. Gross saless, selling and administrative disbursals increased by 16 % to ?45.7m in 2010 from ?39.4m in 2009 as a consequence of elements of staff wage being linked to the fiscal public presentation. There were besides investings in resources to drive new application development across both divisions. The one-year study besides shows the changeless exchange rate was up 53 % compared to 2009. As discussed above, the addition in gross to 82 % to ?189.5m in 2010 from ?103.8m in 2009 was as a consequence of addition in gross revenues. Besides depreciation in sterling besides helped the company ‘s growing as the gross of the other markets increased ( Victrex, 2010 ) . MARK UP RATIOThe Mark up Ratio is another manner of mensurating the profitableness of a concern. It besides measures the sum of net income added to the cost of gross revenues, in add-on it can be the cost of goods sold peers to the gross revenues gross ( Perry, 2011 ) . Mark up Ratio can be defined by Dyson ( 2007 ) as: Mark up Ratio = Gross Profit A- 100 Cost of Gross saless In 2010, it was 120.6m A- 100 = 175.04 % ( 68.9 ) m In 2009, it was 64.5m A- 100 = 164.12 % ( 39.3 ) m The Mark up ratio difference between 2009 and 2010 is 10.92 % . This implies that the gross net income increased 87 % with the gross border at 63.6 % of the gross in 2010. The gross border grew to 63.6 % in 2010 from 62.1 % in 2009. The 1.5 % difference was due to positive impact of currency partly offset by an addition in cost per metric tons as gross revenues were mostly out of stock list produced in 2009. There was a lessening in production volumes in 2009 as a consequence of increased fixed production costs per metric ton. Besides, there was an addition in gross revenues which led to an 82 % addition in gross to ?189.5m in 2010 from ?103.8m in 2009. Besides depreciation in Sterling besides helped the company ‘s growing as the gross from other markets increased. Although, Cost of Goods increased by 75.3 % between 2009 and 2010 and this was as a consequence of addition in demand of Victrex Peek Polymers across all markets, the company still made an addition in gross ( Victrex , 2010 ) .2.1.3 EFFICIENCY RATIOThis ratio is besides known as the activity ratio. The efficiency ratio is used to mensurate how efficaciously a concern endeavor is runing. It is concerned about the chiefly usage of assets ( Jones, 2006 ) . This ratio is used to find how a concern uses its assets to keep its activities and gross revenues ( White et al. , 2003 ) . Four of the efficiency ratios will be used to analyze Victrex Plc. SALES PER ?1 CAPITAL EMPLOYED ( NET ASSET TURNOVER )This ratio is besides known as Asset Turnover Ratio. It indicates how efficaciously the stockholders financess are bring forthing money ( Perry, 2011 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , It can be defined as: Gross saless per ?1 Capital Employed = Gross saless = Gross saless Capital Employed Total Assets – Current Liabilitiess In 2010, it is 189.5m = 189.5m = 0.80 times 278.9m -42.5m 236.5m In 2009, it is 103.8m = 103.8m = 0.53 times 221.0m – 26.3m 194.7m The consequences above show that the stockholders financess generated more money in 2010 than in the old twelvemonth. There was an addition in gross due to an addition in gross revenues and a depreciation of Sterling besides helped the company ‘s growing as the gross from other markets increased. Capital employed increased by ?41.8m between 2009 and 2010. This was as a consequence of addition in hard currency and hard currency equivalents, trade and other receivables, deferred revenue enhancement rates & A ; trade and other payables. Giving a proper account, the entire assets besides increased by 26.2 % to ?279m in 2010 from ?221m in 2009, this was as a consequence of an addition in hard currency with ?77.2m in 2010 from ?18.6m in 2009 which reflects the strong recoil in gross revenues generated from operations which was shown on the hard currency flow statement. The current liabilities were up due to an addition in trade and other payables that were affected by accumulations o f ?18.7m in 2010 and ?8.8m in 2009 which implies the company still has hard currency to pay to their creditors ( Victrex, 2010 ) . NON- CURRENT ( FIXED ) ASSET TURNOVERThis ratio provides an analysis of how expeditiously the fixed assets are at bring forthing gross revenues. It is effectual as an internal index when comparing one period with another ( Perry, 2011 ) .According to Perry ( 2011 ) , it can be defined as: Non- Current ( Fixed ) Asset Turnover = Gross saless Non-Current ( Fixed ) Assetss In 2010, it was 189.5m = 1.31 145.1m In 2009, it was 103.8m = 0.71 146.8m Looking at the consequences above, Victrex Plc used its fixed assets more efficaciously in 2010 compared to 2009 therefore the concern is less at hazard in 2010 than in 2009. This can be explained stating â€Å" for every GBP ( ? ) tied up in non-current assets, the sum generated from gross revenues was higher † . This can be farther explained due to the addition in gross which was due to a encouragement in gross revenues and depreciation of the Sterling as before discussed in the old subdivision. There was a lessening in fixed assets and this can be explained looking at the lessening in belongings, works and equipment which was ?125.3m in 2010 from ?129.5m in 2009, this lessening was as a consequence of depreciation over the utile economic life of the assets. Besides Intangible assets besides decreased in 2010 to ?10.1m from ?10.3m in 2009 due to the good will of the acquisition of Victrex Polymer Solution being tested for damage, therefore cut downing the good will of the ac quisition. Besides the impact of the know-how of the acquisition associated with the natural stuff BDF was to the full amortised by 2010 ensuing to no consequence on the intangible assets ( Victrex, 2010 ) . INVENTORY TURNOVER RATIOThis ratio is besides known as stock turnover ratio. This ratio efficaciously measures the velocity with which stock moves through the concern. This varies from concern to concern and merchandise to merchandise ( Jones, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , it can be defined as: Inventory Turnover Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold Inventory In 2010, it was 68.9m = 2.00 times 34.5m In 2009, it was 39.3m = 1.06 times 37.2m The computation above shows that the stock list turnover increased 2.00 times in 2010, this implies that for every sale of two, there was one stock list held while in 2009, for every sale of one, there was one stock list held. Thus Victrex Plc was more effectual in 2010 at buying and merchandising of goods, farther explicating that there was more sale compared to the degree of stock list held and the company was able to turn over its stock list better compared to the old twelvemonth ( 2009 ) .This consequence is affected by the addition in cost of goods sold which was ?68.9m in 2010 from ?39.3m in 2009 as there was a higher demand of merchandises in 2010 and the betterment over the period reflects the favorable effectual exchange rates together with a lower implicit in cost of gross revenues per metric ton in the 2nd half ensuing from lower fixed costs per metric ton as production volume increased. Inventory decreased to ?34.5m in 2010 from ?37.2m in 2009, although natural stuffs inc reased due to the company carrying natural stuffs to enable them keep supplies during any short term break but finished goods decreased in 2010 compared to 2009 because there was a short term rush in the demand for goods ( Victrex, 2010 ) . RECEIVABLES COLLECTION PERIODThis ratio seeks to mensurate how long clients take to pay their debts. Therefore, the quicker the concern collects and Bankss the money, the better it is for the company. This ratio can be used monthly, hebdomadal or day-to-day footing ( Jones, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , it can be defined as: Receivables Collection Period = Receivables A- 365 Gross saless In 2010, it was 19.1m A- 365 = 36.79 yearss 189.5m In 2009, it was 15.7m A- 365 = 55.21 yearss 103.8m Looking at the computations above, this implies that the concern was more efficient at retrieving its debts from clients as the consequences were lower in 2010 with 36.79days compared to 55.21days in 2009. This was as a consequence of addition in gross revenues of goods produced in 2010 compared to 2009. This besides indicates that in 2010 there was better hard currency flow as it took a shorter clip to have money owed by clients compared to 2009 ( Victrex, 2010 ) .2.1.4 LIQUIDITY RATIOThese ratios are derived from the balance sheets and seek to prove how easy a company can pay its debts. These ratios are of import to loan creditors such as bankers who have loaned to the concern ( Jones, 2006 ) . There are two types of ratios viz. the ‘current ratio ‘ and the ‘acid trial ratio ‘ ( Perry, 2011 ) . These ratios will be used to analyze Victrex Plc ‘s liquidness. CURRENT RATIOThis ratio tests whether the short term assets cover the short term liabilit ies. If this is non the instance, so there will be deficient liquid financess instantly to pay to the creditors ( Jones, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , Current ratio can be defined as: Current Ratio = Inventory + Receivables + Cash and Cash Equivalents Payabless + Short Term Borrowings In 2010, it was 34.52m + 0.74m + 19.11m + 2.24m +77.27m = 133.88m = 3.15: 1 ( 25.15 ) m + ( 15.11 ) m + ( 2.27 ) m ( 42.53 ) m In 2009, it was 37.17m + 1.02 m+15.66 m+ 1.70m +18.56m = 74.11m = 2.82: 1 ( 6.30 ) m + ( 5.42 ) m + ( 14.58 ) m ( 26.3 ) m From the computation above, current ratio increased from 2.82 in 2009 to 3.15 in 2010. Therefore in 2010, for every ?1 in current liabilities, there is ?3.15 in current assets compared to 2009 during which for every ?1 in current liabilities, there is ?2.82 in current liabilities. This implies that the concern has adequate hard currency to cover its liabilities. If the current assets exceed the current liabilities, this could bespeak sufficient hard currency in the concern ( Dyson, 2007 ) . However, the major impact on the addition in current ratio was as a consequence of addition in hard currency of ?58.7m between 2009 and 2010, which reflects the strong recoil in gross revenues and the Group has a committed bank installation of ?40m, all of which was undrawn at the twelvemonth terminal and this expires in September 2012. Besides looking at the hard currency flow statement, the company generated hard currency from operations. There was an addition in receivables of ?3.4m between 200 9 and 2010. The current liabilities were up due to an addition in trade and other payables that were affected by accumulations of ?18.7m in 2010 from ?8.8m in 2009 which implies the company still has hard currency to pay to their creditors and besides an addition in current income revenue enhancement liabilities of ?9.7m between 2009 and 2010 ( Victrex, 2010 ) . ACID TEST RATIOThis is besides known as the Quick Ratio. It is a step of utmost short -term liquidness, therefore the acerb trial ratio excludes stock lists, which is the least liquid of the current assets to get at an immediate trial of the company ‘s liquidness ( Jones, 2006 ) . The importance of this ratio is that it has a clearer image of the state of affairs as a house may non be able to dispose of its stock lists instantly ( Dyson, 2007 ) .According to Perry ( 2011 ) , Acid Test Ratio can be defined as: Acid Test Ratio = Receivables + Cash and Cash Equivalents Payabless + Short Term Borrowings In 2010, it was 0.74m + 19.11m + 2.24m +77.27m = 99.36m = 2.34: 1 ( 25.15 ) m + ( 15.11 ) m + ( 2.27 ) m ( 42.53 ) m In 2009, it was 1.02m +15.66m + 1.70m +18.56m = 36.94m = 1.40: 1 ( 6.30 ) m + ( 5.42 ) m + ( 14.58 ) m ( 26.30 ) m Looking at the computation above, there is an addition in Acid trial ratio of 2.34 in 2010 from 1.40 in 2009, even after the stock lists were removed. This means that the concern has adequate hard currency to cover its liabilities. This implies that the stock lists did non hold an impact in the ratio as the major part to this alteration were the addition in hard currency every bit good as the addition in trade and other receivables, addition in payables and current income revenue enhancement liabilities, as these were explained above in the current ratio ( Victrex, 2010 ) . Therefore an acerb trial ratio above one ( 1 ) implies the company can still change over hard currency at easiness.2.1.5 FINANCIAL GEARING RATIOSThese ratios measure the ability of the concern to run into its longer-term duties and they indicate the sum of hazard to which stockholders are exposed through the sum of debt nowadays in the concern capital construction ( Jones, 2006 ) . Gearing ratio and Interest Cover will be used to analyze Victrex Plc. GEARING RATIOThis ratio measures the relationship between equity and debt capital of a company. The geartrain of a concern demonstrates how reliant the concern is on borrowed money, instead than portion capital. ( Perry, 2011 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , pitching ratio can be defined as: Gearing Ratio = Net Borrowings ( Debts ) A- 100 Stockholders Fundss ( Equity ) Harmonizing to Annual Report, the geartrain ratio could non be calculated as there were no net adoptions in 2009 and 2010. Based on the fact that the Group had a committed bank installation of ?40m, all of which was undrawn at the twelvemonth terminal and this expires in September 2012 ( Victrex, 2010 ) . Interest ScreenThis ratio is of peculiar involvement to those who have loaned money to the company ( Jones, 2006 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , it can be defined by demoing the relationship during the trading period between runing net incomes and the involvement charges ensuing from the degree of debt during the period. The expression is: Interest Cover = Operating Profit = Operating Net income Net Interest/ Finance charges Finance Cost – Finance Income In 2010, it was 74.9m = 74.9m = 1.63 ( 93 ) m -139m ( 46 ) m In 2009, it was 25.1m = 25.1m = 0.81 ( 60 ) m – 91m ( 31 ) m Deducing from the computation above, the involvement screen has increased in 2010 to 1.63 from 0.81 in 2009. This addition implies that the company is bring forthing adequate gross to pay its debts. This addition in 2010 is due to the fact that the operating net income increased which is as a consequence of addition in gross as there was more demand of the merchandises taking to an addition in gross revenues compared to the old twelvemonth ( 2009 ) . Therefore in 2009, the concern could hold been in a fiscal hazard as at that place might non hold been sufficient hard currency to sit out sudden downswing as a consequence of the lessening in gross. The finance income increased in 2010 to ?139m from ?91m in 2009. The Finance Cost increased by ?33m between 2009 and 2010. This ratio is of import to stockholders ( Victrex, 2010 ) .3.0 DecisionRatio Analysis is a really of import manner of measuring the overall public presentation of an Organisation. Many administrations use this technique to compare the company ‘s public presentation over clip or compare it with the fiscal public presentation of other companies. However, holding analysed Victrex ‘s Plc ‘s, it can be said that Victrex Plc is a traveling concern as it has sufficient hard currency and resources to command its operational being. Looking at the five twelvemonth fiscal sum-up, it can be said that that twelvemonth 2010 has proven to be the best fiscal twelvemonth over the period. These analysis show that the company had an addition in hard currency and hard currency equivalents, addition in gross revenues volume, high gross border and besides an addition in the operating net income. Therefore, in footings of its profitableness, the company had an addition in the gross border demoing an betterment which was based on addition in gross with the the major accelerator to this being the favorable exchange rates and increase in gross revenues. The operating border besides increased as a consequence of the addition of gross revenues, selling and disposal disbursals which emanated from elements of staff wage being linked to the fiscal public presentation. There was besides an addition in the return of capital employed, return on entire assets and besides return on stockholders financess. This addition in 2010 indicates that the company has done better overall compared to the old old ages in footings of a step in the concern success doing the company attractive as an investing. Looking at the efficiency ratio, the stock list turnover increased as a consequence of high demand of merchandises across different markets. The non-current assets ratio increased although Property, works and equipment decreased as a consequence of depreciation of the assets, Besides the receivables aggregation period reduced bespeaking that the company is better at recovering its debts from its debitors, and eventually Net plus turnover besides increased as a consequence of addition in hard currency and hard currency equivalent as its impact reflected on the capital employed. Therefore, this addition in 2010 indicates that the company is better at utilizing its assets efficaciously in bring forthing gross revenues compared to the old old ages. Sing the liquidness of the company, a decision can be drawn based on the current plus ratio and the acerb trial ratio which indicate an addition due to hard currency and hard currency equivalents and besides the addition in the trade and other receivables, therefore bespeaking that the company will be able to pay off any debt if a state of affairs occurs in twelvemonth 2010. In footings of the fiscal geartrain ratios, this helps to bespeak how stable the company is, looking at Victrex Plc, there was no pitching ratio calculated as the house had no net adoptions but there was an addition in involvement screen this was as a consequence of the addition in operating net income and besides based on the addition in portion premium, therefore this addition in 2010 will let stockholders to appreciate the growing of the concern compared to the old twelvemonth. Conclusively, Victrex Plc appears to be a well positioned company for continued growing in its section of the market in twelvemonth 2010 compared to the old twelvemonth. The direction of Victrex Plc have a good apprehension of the markets they operate in by proactively expecting the expected demands of their clients and go oning to take advantage of chances within the market topographic point and spread out its skylines as a market leader in the production of high public presentation thermoplastics polymers.WORD COUNT: 5579Section 24.0 THE ROLE OF WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN MANAGING A BUSINESSWorking Capital can be defined as the current assets less current liabilities. The major constituents of the current assets are stock lists, trade and other receivables and hard currency and hard currency equivalents while current liabilities constituents are trade and other payables, bank overdraft and short term adoptions ( Mclaney & A ; Atrill, 2008 ) . Working Capital Management can be defined as the direction and control of the current assets and current liabilities which are the chief components of the on the job capital ( Mathur, 2002 ) . The importance of working capital direction is an indispensable portion of a concern short-run planning procedure. Management should do determinations on how much of each constituent should be held ( Mclaney & A ; Atrill, 2008 ) .According to Vijayakumar ( 2001 ) , the significance of working capital direction comprises of two grounds viz. 1 ) A significant part of a entire investing is invested in the current assets and 2 ) degree of the current assets and current liabilities will alter as a consequence in fluctuation in gross revenues. Working capital direction is of import to the fiscal wellness of the concern from all industries. The on the job capital demands of a peculiar concern are likely to alter over clip as a consequence of alterations in the concern environment, giving room for determinations to be made invariably ( Mclaney & A ; Atrill, 2008 ) . Therefore Working Capital has acquired a great significance and sound place for two duplicate objects of profitableness and liquidness. The importance of working capital direction and its satisfactory proviso can take non merely to material nest eggs in the economical usage of capital but besides assist in fostering the ultimate purpose of the concern by maximizing the fiscal returns on the minimal sum of capital that needs to be employed ( Vijayakumar, 2001 ) . If on the job capital is mismanaged, it can take to loss of net incomes in the short-term but will consequences to a ruin of the house in the long-term. Thus the adequateness of working capital together with efficient managing determines the endurance or death of the house. In the existent universe scenario, a house can be and last without doing net income but it can non last without working capital financess, therefore this could take to bankruptcy and closing over a period of clip. Therefore in footings of the working capital direction, one should see the short-run liquidness place of the house. The investing determination in the current assets trades with a few jobs with working capital direction as profitableness and liquidness are dependent on the current assets direction. Therefore an appropriate degree of current assets and current liabilities in the concern determines the degree of working capital that affects the house ‘s liquidness ( Vijayakumar, 2001 ) . The victorious game was a simulation during the fiscal analysis and control faculty, the author ‘s function in this game was a financial officer. The financial officer ‘s duty in the game was to rede the squad on hard currency planning, to manage, control and record hard currency motions and fix the hard currency flow statement. After readying of the hard currency flow statement, the financial officer reconciled the hard currency records to the existent hard currency place throughout the twelvemonth. The financial officer worked closely with the fiscal director to jointly command all hard currency motions whether receivables or payables. The financial officer besides advised the squad to win gross revenues from the place market as receivable period was one one-fourth and the sale to the foreign markets was two quarters. Selling to the place market helped increase the hard currency flow state of affairs as hard currency was gotten faster for goods sold. The beginnings of financess were through loans, discounting and bing stockholder ‘s equity. The squad merely indulged in the discounting option one time as seen in twelvemonth one in the income statement as it was seen as less profitable. However, high sums of loans were borrowed in twelvemonth two to back up the technology and quality in order to be able to win commands as this can be shown in the balance sheet for twelvemonth one and two. Overall, looking at the direction of the on the job capital of the game, one can infer that as a consequence of hapless squad determination doing which led to high stock list degree based on purchase of natural stuffs which were non planned decently, the purchase of new equipments increased the work in advancement, we did non profit in gross revenues as we had insufficient contract to run into capacity and besides big unfilled contracts led to increase in the degree of stock list. Receivables were besides delayed due to the type of contract we bided for and besides dependant on the foreign market which took a long clip to have hard currency. Therefore in the existent universe state of affairs, the financial officer should give considerable clip in effectual control and the supervising of working capital constituents as this generates growing and net income of the concern.WORD COUNT: 7785.0 MARGINAL CostingFringy costing can be defined as a technique which divides costs in two classs viz. fixed cost and variable cost when bring forthing an excess unit of a merchandise. A fixed cost can be defined in the short tally as it does non change in entire when end product fluctuates, for illustration ; rent for a mill, while variable costs are those that entire cost varies pro rata with the volume of end product, for illustration, Direct Material and Direct Labour ( Mott, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2011 ) , a circumstance whereby a merchandise is already being produced and an extra merchandise is demanded by a client, the cost of bring forthing the extra merchandise is referred to as Marginal Costing. In the winning border game, the fringy costing enabled the squad to do determinations based on what type of merchandises to be manufactured and what is required in the production. In Year 3 of the game, the squad explored chances in order to increase profitableness by puting in merchandise support to guarantee all merchandises are sold. It besides helped in optimizing part by measuring the difference between the best and worst scenarios of the terrier and the tiger ‘s sale values, variable cost and unit part. Therefore, the benefit of the fringy costing in the game helped the squad purpose at winning orders closer to the best terminal of the part where it was profitable. In the existent universe state of affairs, Marginal Costing is used by direction to assist do determinations to the best cost of action in the short term ( Millichamp, 1997 ) . Decisions made by direction by the aid of fringy costing can be classified harmonizing to Mott ( 2008 ) as: Make or Buy Decisions One -off pricing Decisions The effects of a alteration in Product Mix The Volume requires to interrupt even or do a specified net income A pick between Alternative Cost StructuresWORD COUNT: 3126.0 BUDGETINGBudgeting can be defined as an of import tool for pull offing and commanding a concern ( Mclaney & A ; Atrill, 2008 ) . Harmonizing to Perry ( 2010 ) , a budget aim identifies where the concern demands to be at the terminal of a fiscal twelvemonth. A budget should be prepared as a resource program to enable that both fiscal and market aims are achieved. Therefore Harmonizing to Drury ( 2004 ) and Millichamp ( 1997 ) , the intent of budgeting are classified into several features ; some of these features would be used by the author to discourse the budgeting technique used in the winning border game. These Features are as follows: Planning: Budgets are used for future planning of activities in a company. It is used to benchmark to guarantee companies run into their ends. In the winning border, the squad made programs based on what merchandise should be produced, what market to put in and programs based on fiscal issues such as loans to enable be aftering on hard currency influx and escape. Profitableness: Budgets can be used for measuring future profitableness of direction programs. This is used in comparing the budget program to the existent consequences as this was done in the winning border in twelvemonth two in ciphering the production budget and gross revenues budget which was compared to the existent program. Coordination: The benefit of a budget is to enable assorted sections to collaborate and compromise when there is limited resources. In the winning game, the squad cooperated in respects to the production capacity as to what contract to travel for, what market to put in and what stock to buy and this helps observe any coordination jobs and better efficiency. Communication: Budgeting enabled different sections in the winning border game exchange information and thoughts as the financial officer recorded hard currency motions, fiscal director handled the fiscal policies, the buying director was in charge of stock list, the commercial director was cognizant of what market to put in and the production director was cognizant of what equipment to purchase. Resource Allocation: Budget aid in easing resource allotment in a company. In the winning border, resources were distributed across the assorted sections as hard currency escape was as a consequence of technology and quality, merchandise support and equipments. In the existent universe, Budgeting can be used to advance frontward thought and it is a short term agencies of working towards a concern aims.WORD COUNT: 394